My doctoral research, which employs a mixed methods approach, explores societal responses to eco-social challenges within an economic growth-oriented paradigm, using social imaginaries theories to assess their impact on sustainability and how collective aspirations can be redefined. By addressing the neglected question of what is desirable, the findings provide insights into redefining societal values and narratives that impede efforts towards a sustainable transition, opening the door to envisioning a new societal project. They also highlight the transformative potential of arts-based practices, with a focus on scalability, inspiring more communities to adopt sustainable well-being paradigms.
Simply put, the study aims to determine what sustainability truly means, whether its shared actual conception is compatible with environmental scientific knowledge, and what else we can collectively envision as a community.
Key words: arts-based approaches, environmental crisis, post-growth, social imaginary, sustainable wellbeing
Doctoral researcher
University of Eastern Finland
Master of culture and arts
taina.decarvalho (at)
De Carvalho, T. (2021). Cultivating Unity, contribution to GTI Forum ”An Earth Constitution: Has the Time Come?”. Great Transition Initiative. .
De Carvalho, T. (2022). Arts-based Eco-social Pedagogy in Educational Settings: How to Help Future Generations Shape a Better World? In Dysfunction, Critics, Ethics and Challenges in Art-Based Research Dissemination. A. Lefebvre & P. Mairesse (Eds.), Trans-Generatives2030 Augmented Proceedings: Impactful Actions for a Sustainable Future through Art & Science (pp. 11-12). ICN Business School, Nancy, France: ICN Business School, CEREFIGE Université de Lorraine.
De Carvalho, T. (2023). Expressive arts therapy and eco-social education, Inartes Journal. Ekspressivinen taideterapia Suomessa. No 2. Inartes