Ilona Södervik

Työskentelen erikoistutkijana Turun yliopiston Opettajankoulutuslaitoksella. Keskeiset tutkimusintressini ovat biologian käsitteiden oppimiseen liittyvät haasteet erityisesti yliopistotasolla käsitteellisen muutoksen näkökulmasta sekä asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen lääketieteessä ja opettajan työssä. Hyödynnän tutkimuksissani monipuolisesti erilaisia metodeja, kuten silmänliikemenetelmää.

My research deals with the development of expertise in higher education, specifically in life sciences and medicine. I am particularly interested in questions that deal with the challenges related to conceptual understanding of complex phenomena in the context of life sciences. In addition, I’m intriguided, how learning and teaching should be developed further in higher education in order to support systemic understanding and development of expertise related to life sciences. In that, we need profound and versatile understanding of cognitive processes combined with investigation of learning of different hands-on skills. Therefore, In my research, I utilize process-level methodology, such as eye-tracking and combine it with surveys with longitudinal perspective.

Avainsanat: Conceptual change, Development of Expertise, Life Sciences, Eye-tracking




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ilona.sodervik (at)

  • Södervik, I., Vilppu, H., Österholm, E. & Mikkilä-Erdmann, M. (2017). Medical Students’ Biomedical and Clinical Knowledge: Combining Longitudinal Design, Eye Tracking and Comparison with Residents’ Performance. Learning and Instruction, 52, (139–147).
  • Södervik, I., Virtanen, V. & Mikkilä-Erdmann, M. (2015). Challenges in understanding photosynthesis in a university introductory biosciences class. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13, 733–750.
  • Södervik, I. (2016). Understanding Biological Concepts at University – Investigating Learning in Medical and Teacher Education. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, B, toim. 421. Turku: Painosalama.
  • Södervik, I., Mikkilä-Erdmann, M., Vilppu, H. (2014). Promoting the Understanding of Photosynthesis among Elementary School Student Teachers through Text Design. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25, 581–600.
  • Ahopelto, I., Mikkilä-Erdmann, M., Olkinuora, E., Kääpä, P. (2011). A Follow-up Study of Medical Students’ Biomedical Understanding and Clinical Reasoning Concerning the Cardiovascular System. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 16, 655–668.

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